Successful Pregnancies in a Case of Severe (Type 3) von Willebrand Disease
Given the wide heterogeneity of phenotypes and the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms associated with the disorder , pregnancy and delivery in VWD represents a significant clinical challenge . The variable pattern of changes observed during pregnancy in von willebrand factor (VWF) and factor VIII (F-VIII), the protein carried by VWF , prompts a careful evaluation of pregnant women with VWD to plan the most appropriate treatment at the time of parturition. 1Women with von Willebrand Disease (VWD) are at an increased risk of bleeding and other complications during pregnancy and childbirth.2,3Women with inherited bleeding disorders, including VWD, are concerned about their bleeding and possible bleeding complications. All these leads to upfront efforts to give this cohort a safe reproductive fruition .Last 20 years have witnessed progression in understanding diagnosis, and treating complications in women with VWD .1-6
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