Analysis of Discard Rates of Blood and Blood Components as a Quality Indicator to Improve the Blood Transfusion Services of a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India
discard rate, quality indicator, blood and blood componentsAbstract
Objective: Blood is recognized as a precious resource gifted by the blood donors to patients in need. This study was taken to understand the reasons for discard of donated blood units.
Methodology: The discard rate of blood and blood components was quantified as wastage as percentage of issue (WAPI) using last five years records. This was a retrospective study done using the past five years (2015-2019) records available with the Transfusion Medicine department of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology.
Results: Our overall wastage as percent of issue (WAPI) over the last five years was 6.14%. WAPI for Packed red cells, Fresh frozen plasma and platelets was 4.23%, 3.56%, and 16.6% respectively.
Conclusions. Even though wastage rates were comparable with published literature from other parts of the country, this study helped identify areas of intervention to further minimise the wastage.
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