Diagnostic Accuracy of Haematology Analyzer Sysmex Xn-1000 Scattergrams in the Diagnosis of Malaria
Introduction: Malaria is a life threatening disease of tropical region caused by infection with plasmodium transmitted through the bite of an infected anopheles mosquito. Accurate malaria diagnosis is of principal importance and is critical in its treatment and management. At present, many alternative methods are in use for diagnosis such as rapid diagnostic tests rapid diagnostic tests and polymerase chain reaction. Microscopy is gold standard for malaria diagnosis by detecting plasmodium species.
Objective: To assess the diagnostic accuracy of automated haematology analyser Sysmex XN-1000 in the diagnosis of malaria taking microscopy as gold standard.
Materials and Methods
Study design: Cross-sectional study
Setting: Haematology department Chughtai Institute of Pathology
Duration: Six months i.e. 26-4-2018 to 26-10-2018
Data collection procedure: Patients were segregated for being suspicion for positivity of malaria among the cases presenting with complaint of episodes of fever. Blood sample was evaluated for presence of any microbial activity. There were two tests, which were performed on the blood sample. First the auto analyser was applied. The other sample was run through microscopic method of analysis of plasmodium and under microscope. Results were recorded and entered for further analysis.
Results: Mean age of patients in this study was 41.21±13.77 years. Among patients 96(53.3%) were male and 84(46.7%) were females. Mean duration of symptoms was 4.01±1.99. Sensitivity and specificity of Sysmex Xn-1000 was 93.16% and 93.65% respectively and PPV and NPV was 96.46% and 88.06% respectively, overall diagnostic accuracy was 93.33%.
Conclusion: The diagnostic accuracy of automated haematology analyser sysmexXN-1000 for diagnosis of malaria was 93.33%. % so it may be concluded that the Sysmex XN-1000 analyser has an advantage in that it is able to detect unexpected malaria cases.
Key words: Diagnostic accuracy, automated haematology analyser, sysmexXN-1000, malaria, microscopy
Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Haematology and Stem Cell Research

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